יום שני, 22 באוגוסט 2022

Excel – how do we find the Column Number?


Excel – how do we find the Column Number?


Every Excel user knows that an address of  a cell comprises of a column (Alphabetic) and a row (numeric).
But the column name represents a number:
Column A is the first, therefore its number is: 1,
Column B is the second, therefore its number is: 2 and so on.
But have you ever wondered: How do we find the column NUMBER from its name?
What column number is: ABC, QZD, FFF, DAT, RRR, X etc.???

What's the solution?

There are, actually, two solutions:

The first, very simple and straightforward:

For example, if you want to find the number of column AAA,

Just type the following formula:

And the result: 703

Pic 1: Find the column's number – method 1


The second is a formula that I've developed, which yields the same result.

A short explanation of my formula:
The English alphabet has 26 letters, from A to Z.
So, for example, if we're on column Z, then we're on column no.26.

If the column name consists of 2 letters (for example: AA), then we need to multiply the first letter A (representing 1) by 26 and then add 1 (the second A).

If the column name consists of 3 letters (for example: AAA), then we need to multiply the first letter A (representing 1) by 26^2, and then:
add 1 (the second A) multiplied by 26 and finally:
add the third A (which is 1),

So: AAA = 1*26^2 + 1*26^1 + 1*26^0 = 676+ 26 + 1 = 703


And why do we subtract 64?

Because the ASCII codes of the English uppercase letters begin with: 65 (=A).

In order to find the number by the letter, we need to subtract 64.

A (=65) becomes 1, B (=66) becomes 2….. and Z (=90) becomes 26.

That's all.


Pic 2: Find the column's number – method 2


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Of course, you could change the columns from alphabetic to numeric,

But then, you won't be able to know what was the original columns' names….


Converting the reference style to R1C1, thus:


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