יום ראשון, 14 באוגוסט 2022

Add any number of empty rows to a range

Add any number of empty rows to a range


This is a sequel to my original post:
Add alternate empty rows to a range – the coolest method



After publishing it, I thought:

Why not create a generic solution?
Why add only 1 row? Why not 2 or 3 or more?
So I came up with a Parameterized solution:

Put the desired number of empty rows in one formula.

And lo and behold, you have it, like magic.

Attached are three pictures, demonstrating my generic solution:
The first, only one empty row  

The second, two empty rows

The third, three empty rows.

Enjoy 😊

Pic 1 - Add one empty row


Pic 2 - Add two empty rows



Pic 3 - Add three empty rows

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