יום חמישי, 7 ביולי 2022

Excel – Intersection: Part II



Excel – Intersection: Part II


In the previous installment I introduced the INTERSECTION feature in Excel. We saw some neat, simple solutions to analysing data gathered from 4 US states over a period of 12 months.         

In this installment, I'm going to show the combination of the Intersection operation with other Excel functions.

Again, these examples will demonstrate the ease of use and the advantage over more "traditional" methods.


Example 1: Second smallest number (State and value)

Pic 1: second smallest number of cases in August

Example 2: Intersection & OFFSET


          Pic 2: Intersection & OFFSET (NY without the first 2 months)



Example 3: Intersection & FILTER

         Pic 3: Intersection & FILTER (CA, only cases > 5000)


Example 4: Intersection & SORT


   Pic 4: Intersection & SORT (Asc. order, TX) with matching months


Example 5: 5 last months of FL

                    Pic 5: Last 5 months in FL


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