Excel - SUM instead of….COUNTIF
Consider the following case:
You have a number in cell C2.
The adjacent cells: D2:F2 also contain numbers.
The challenge: you want to find how many numbers in Cells D2:F2
are greater than the number in C2.
The most obvious solution would be with the COUNTIF function:

However, a simpler, shorter solution would be by using the SUM
The (D2:F2>C2) part of the formula returns a list of TRUEs
and FALSEs.
In order to convert them into numbers, we multiply the comparison’s
result by 1.
So, instead of the TRUE, TRUE, FALSE we have a 3-member array:
Now the SUM functions adds them all together: 1+1+0 which yields
the result: 2.
This solution uses Excel 365.
Since this is an array formula, if you're using an earlier version, (2013,2016,2019...) you should press: CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER instead of: ENTER, when you end typing the formula.
That’s all.
I hope you found this “trick” useful.
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